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2014年10月29日 阅读次数:

Regulations on Visa Application and Administration for Foreign Students of YBU
To strengthen the visa management of foreign students, in accordance with the Rules for the Implementation of the Law of Yanbian Korean-Chinese Autonomous Prefecture on the Control of Exit and Entry combined with the realities at YBU, the following Provisions are formulated.

1. Students with “L”、 “F” or “X1”、 “X2” visa should register at the Foreign Students Office during the designated registration period and apply for the residence permit. (P.S. The validity for X-Visa is 30 days after arrival in China; thus, students must submit their visa extension application within these 30 days to obtain a legal status in China. In principle, no visa extension procedure will be accepted for students who enter China before the designated registration day.
2. Students living off-campus should go to the relevant local police station and apply for the Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals(see Appendix 1) within 24 hours after they accommodate off the campus. Afterwards, the original form should be submitted to Foreign Students Office. Students can keep the copy of the form. For students living in-campus, procedures for applying for the form will be handled by FSO.
3. Students should accept physical examination within the designated period with the fee 345rmb, and submit the original form of examination result to FSO. If physical examination has been conducted in their own countries in the hospital authorized by the Chinese Embassy, students should submit the original form to FSO at registration with 60rmb as the verification fee charged by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. The relevant regulations are to be enforced in the case of detection of any disease.
4. Students who apply for the residence permit for the first time should submit required documents including passport, original copy of Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals,original copy of physical examination, photo receipt and photos to FSO who will help students apply for the residence permit. It will take about 15 workdays to get a residence permit. Students are responsible for the fees of applying for JW202 form, residence permit and physical examination.
5. The validity of residence permit
Self-funded students: residence permit is valid in accordance with the semester registered. Students who register for 1 semester will get a residence permit valid to March 20th or September 20th, and those who register for 2 semesters will get a residence permit valid January 20th or July 20th of the coming year.
Exchange students and Confucius Institute scholarship students: 1semester or 2 semesters (extending to July 20 or January 20)
Government scholarship students: according to the passport validity, visa for government scholarship students are extended up to the graduation date. If the validity of the passport will end before graduation, the visa will only be valid along with expire date of the passport. Students should apply for passport extension by themselves and then extend their visa. Students are responsible for the extension fees of both passport and visa.
6. Students who need to extend the residence permit for further study in YBU, they should apply at the Foreign Students Office a week before their residence permit expires. These materials should be attached along with the application: tuition fee receipt, passport, reissued Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals (in case of a change of off-campus address or a new visa type, Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals), photo receipt (see illustration 4), one 2inch*2inch bareheaded photo and relevant fees. The application procedure requires 10 workdays.
7. Punishments are to be imposed when the visa expires due to negligence of students. The fine arranges from500¥to 10,000¥ and based on the situation, advise of repatriation or deportation can be implemented. Students are responsible for all the fees involved.
8. For those students unable to graduate on time and need to stay to study can only apply for the residence permit for up to 2 semesters. According to visa regulations, for those who need to extend residence permit again can only extend their visa for 3 to 6 months.
9. Students with attendance less than 60% per semester will be dismissed or expulsed. Their residence permits will be cancelled. Students will be ordered to leave China within a time limit.
10. Student’s spouse or their pre-school children can apply for the single entry visa valid for up to 1 year and the validity cannot be longer than that of student’s visa. In any special circumstances (such as Olympics), regulations from the security office are to be enforced.
Require documents for student’s families to apply for visa extension:
Original passport, one copy of passport, one copy of visa
Original copy of Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals (See illustration 1)
Original copy of foreigner physical examination form (See illustration 2)
Original copy and one copy of certificate of family relationship (See illustration 3)
If any of his/her children is enrolled to the International Primary School in Yanji, then original copy of Certificate of Enrollment is required.
Photo receipt (See illustration 4)
1 two-inch bareheaded photo
11. work/Z-visa cannot be transferred into study visa directly; work/Z-visa cannot directly be changed into “L”, either.
说明1 办理《常住境外人员住宿登记表》
Illustration 1 Application for Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals
1、Students should go to local police station with the landlord for the procedures of Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals application, within 24 hours after arrival in China or renting a house in Yanji. Those who are late for registering at the local police station will be fined of 500rmb per day.
2、To apply for the Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals, students living in international dormitory should submit their passport, photo and other required materials to Foreign Students Office within 24hours after arrival in China. Those who are late are responsible for bearing the consequences.
3、If case of any change in the living location or visa type, students should apply the Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals immediately. To extend the visa duration, the original copy of Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals should be handed.
4、Application for Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals should be submitted to the relevant local police station with the following materials:
One copied ID of the landlord;
The first page of landlord’ household registration book and one copied page with landlord section in the book;
One copy of the house ownership or one copy of house buying contract (the landlord and the ID certificate offered should be the same person)
Copy of the page with student information、visa page and the page with entry mark
One copy of house-renting contract between students and landlord
If students buy a house, one copy of house ownership or purchase contract is required
If students live in their relatives’ house, then one copy of relatives’ house ownership or purchase contract is required
2 two-inch photos
5、Title and telephone number of police stations

名称 Name

联系电话 Tel

名称 Name

联系电话 Tel

公园派出所Gongyuan 86-433-2716871 建工派出所Jiangong 86-433-2892112
新兴派出所Xingxing 86-433-2513047 小营派出所Xiaoying 86-433-2892112
北山派出所Beishan 86-433-2625627 伊兰派出所Yilan 86-433-2624851
河南派出所Henan 86-433-2812037 机场派出所Jichang 86-433-2843344
朝阳派出所Zhaoyang 86-433-2512358 铁路派出所Tielu 86-433-2812390

PS. All the police stations mentioned above, except Jichang and Tielu, others can hand the Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals. If any emergency in airport or train station, contact to Jichang and Tielu security for help.
说明2 办理《外国人体格检查》
Illustration 2 Physical Examination Application
On the first week of the semester, FSO will organize all the new students to take the physical exam. Those unable to participate should submit the result record to FSO themselves after check. The record is only for the people who apply for the residence permit for the first time. It is not necessary for those under 18.
所需材料: ⑴ 护照 ⑵ 费用345元
Required documents: (1) passport (2) fee: 345rmb
办理地址:吉林省延吉市金达莱广场沿河小学西侧 出入境检验检疫局
Address: Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, West bank of Yanhe Elementary School, Jindalai Square, Yanji, Jilin Tel: 86-433-2246871
说明3 办理《家属关系认证书》
Illustration 3 Certificate of Family Relationship Application
Certificate of Family Relationship is used to prove the relationship when apply for the dependent visa. This certificate is issued in students ‘own country which must be notarized by the Chinese Embassy in students’ own country. Any certification done in China is invalid. Dependent Visa is only applied to student’s spouse, pre-school children and under 18 aged students enrolled in International Primary School in Yanji. Those who have already gone to school should apply visa through the normal procedure.
说明4 关于办理《证件照片质量检测回执单》的说明
Illustration 4 Application of quality-check receipt of photo
Students should hand the quality-check receipt of photos and other materials to FSO while applying the residence permit extension and visa extension.
所需材料: ⑴ 护照 ⑵ 费用10元
Required documents: (1) passport (2) fee: 10rmb
Address: Shuguang Entry-Exit Service Dep.3, ltd. 5th floor, tax hall, Yanji, Jilin
Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Yanbian University
August 2013
延边大学 版权所有        地址:吉林省延吉市公园路977号      邮政编码:133002