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2014年10月29日 阅读次数:

Administration Regulations for Chinese Government Scholarship Students of YBU
第一条、学生分类 Students Categories
Government scholarship students consist of Chinese Government Scholarship students (hereinafter referred to as CGS) and Confucius Institute Scholarship (hereinafter referred to as CIS) students according to regulations of Chinese Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) and China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (hereinafter referred to as NOCFL).
第二条、选拔及入学注册 Admission and Registration
The admission of the government scholarship students is in accordance with the requirement of enrolment regulations of both CGS and CIS. Admitted students should resister at the Foreign Students Office with their admission notices.
第三条、学习及毕业 Study and Graduation
需要汉语补修的学生到汉语言文化学院进行1学年汉语补修。汉语补修生应遵守《延边大学来华留学进修(非学历)生管理规定》。汉语补修之后,汉语水平达到新HSK 5级水平以上的学生可以进入专业学习并按照《延边大学来华留学(学历)生学籍管理规定》进行管理。汉语水平达不到进入专业学习要求的学生,将取消其奖学金生的资格。
Students who cannot meet the requirements of Chinese language standard for subject studies when admitted should accept Chinese language training for up to 1 year in the College of Chinese Language and Culture. They should obey the Administration Regulations for Foreign Students (Non-degree Program) of YBU. Language students can start the subject studies only if they have reached the new HSK level 5. Students who fail to meet the above-mentioned standard in one year will exempted from the government scholarship.
Students who have successfully fulfilled all the academic requirements, passed all the exams and successfully defended thesis are qualified to graduate and receive both Certificate of Graduation and Certificate of Degree. Otherwise, students have to apply for the extension of scholarship for up to 1 year or study self-funded. Failure of graduation after one year of extension will only receive certificate of completion instead of certificate of graduation and degree.
第四条、年度评审 Annual Evaluation
The CSC will evaluate the performance of the scholarship students annually which begins in each May. Only those students whose performance is approved can keep the scholarship for the next year. The scholarship of students with records of punishments will be suspended or terminated based on the situations.
第五条、生活费的发放办法 Living Allowance
1. Students must register on the designated registration day after vocation. Students can leave school temperately with the approved excused absences by Foreign Students Office. Allowance will be withheld if the students do not register on time at the beginning of new semester. Students who register late due to illness or other reasons must submit documents to justify the reasons, or such behavior will be regarded as truancy. Students who register before 15th of March or September will receive the full stipend of this month; those who register afterwards will receive half amount. Late registration for over one month will lead to punishment according to the regulations of CSC.
2. Government scholarship students who sign on the allowance form during the period from 1st to 6th of each month (14:00-16:00) will get full amount of living allowance of that month before 12th, those who sign after 6th but before 15th will get allowance before 22nd and those who sign after 15th will get half amount of the allowance of that month. One month’s allowance will be withheld for those who do not sign for that month without permission.
3. Changes of Signature period due to holidays and other reasons will be announced on the website dorm’s notice board.
4. Partial scholarship allowance will be withheld or scholarship will be terminated if students receive warning or other punishments.
第六条、生活管理 Life Management
Students living in dormitory should obey Regulations on International Dormitory Management of YBU. Students living off-campus should pay attention to personal safety and property and apply for Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals. Any changes in cell phone number or living address should be informed to Foreign Students Office in time.
Students must pay attention to the validity of their own visas. Please refer to the Regulations on Visa Application and Administration for Foreign Students of YBU. All the students should visit the website to check notices.
Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Yanbian University
August 2013

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