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2014年10月29日 阅读次数:

Administration Regulations for Foreign Students (Degree Program) of YBU
Foreign student’s administration is based on the Credit Regulations of Undergraduate Program of YBU and the Academic Administration Regulations of Graduate Program of YBU. Considering the special situations of foreign students, the following supplementary regulations are added.
第一章 入学与注册Registration
第一条 被录取的学生应在规定的时间内到留学生管理部门办理入学手续,并缴纳相关费用。
1. Admitted students have to register on the designated period of registration at Foreign Students Office and pay relevant fees.
第二条 办完入学手续后,持入学通知单(留学生管理科开具)到所属学院留学生管理干事办公室报到,学院协助学生选课并负责发放课程表及协助学生购买教材。各学院按照学校规定建立留学生的学习档案。
2. After registration, students should register again at their own colleges with Admission Notices. The office of college will hand out course schedule and help students buy textbooks. Each college should establish students’ study files.
第二章 学习年限Duration of Study
3. The Undergraduate Students are given a time limit of 4-5 years to complete their studies (depending on the student’s field of specialization/major); 3-5 years for Graduate Students; 3-5 years for Doctorate Students. Based on different situations, foreign students can graduate one year in advance or extend 2 years to graduate.
第四条 提前完成学业的学生可以申请提前毕业,但在校本科课程的学习时间不得少于三年;研究生课程的学习不得少于两年。提前毕业需交齐规定学习年限学费。
4. Students have finished academic requirements in advance can apply to graduate in advance on condition that total duration of study should not less than 3 years for undergraduate students and 2years for graduate students. Students applying for graduate in advance should pay the tuition fees in full in accordance with the study duration limits.
第三章 修学与学分Study and Credits
第五条 外国来华留学生在学期间的培养过程与中国学生基本相同。本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生编入相同专业的中国学生班级学习。学院的留学生管理负责人发放课程表,指导学生购买教材,同时预定下年度教材。
5. Basically, foreign students should fulfill the same academic requirements with Chinese students. Undergraduate studentspostgraduate students and doctorate students are arranged into classes studying with Chinese students together. Foreign student administrators of each college in charge of distributing course schedule, helping students buy textbooks and subscribing textbooks of next terms.
第六条 本科生应按《 延边大学 本科培养方案 》的规定,修读专业课程并取得相应的学分。本科生可以免修《延边大学本科培养方案》中设置的通识教育课程和实践教学环节的军训及实习(除医学类),但必须修读《中国概况》、《汉语》两门公共基础课程。在校期间,文、史、哲专业的学生HSK成绩必须达到6级水平,其他专业的学生HSK成绩必须达到5级水平。专业课程的学分和HSK等级达到相关规定者,可以进行毕业论文答辩,答辩合格方可毕业,符合条件者可获学士学位。
6. Undergraduate students should obey the regulations on the plan of undergraduate teaching program of YBU, complete designated courses and obtain credits as required. Foreign students exempt from General Education Courses and Practical Courses such as military training and internship except students of Medicine College. Instead, all foreign students have to study two public basic courses: Introduction to China and Chinese Language. Students majoring in the fields of culture, history and philosophy should obtain certificate of HSK 6 and HSK 5for other majors before graduation.
Students who obtained required credits and corresponding HSK certificates can defend their graduation thesis. Certificate of Graduation and Certificate of Degree will be awarded to the students who have completed dissertation and successfully defended thesis.
第七条硕士、博士研究生应按本专业培养方案及教学计划,在导师指导下进行选课,同时需修读《中国概况》、《汉语》两门学位公共课程。其中,《中国概况》课替代《马克思主义经典著作选读》和《科学社会主义的理论与实践》;《汉语》(HSK)课替代第一外国语,文、史、哲专业的学生必须获得HSK 6级证书,其他专业必须获得HSK 5级证书。培养环节和毕业学分要求与中国学生相同。
7. Postgraduate students and doctorate students should register courses according to the plan of graduate teaching program on the advice of their mentors. They should select the course of Introduction to China instead of An Anthology of Marxist Classics and Scientific Socialism Theory and Practice, and Chinese Language instead of the course of foreign language. Students majoring in the fields of culture, history and philosophy should obtain certificate of HSK6 and HSK5 for other majors before graduation. Foreign students have to obtain the same credits to graduate successfully.
第八条 硕士、博士研究生完成以上培养环节后,经导师同意,方可申请学位论文答辩。答辩时,由研究生本人申请,经学术委员会同意,可以用第三国语言答辩。
8. With the approval of mentors, postgraduate and doctorate students who have completed required courses and obtained credits can apply for thesis defense. On special occasions, with the approval of Academic Council, students may apply for defending thesis in other languages instead of Chinese.
第四章 考勤、考试、成绩Attendance Check, Examination and Grade
第九条考勤Attendance Check
1. Abide by all the regulations for foreign students of YBU. No truancy, no late or early leave for class.
2. Submit application for the excused absence for personal reasons to the Foreign Students Office.
3. Non-submitted or non-approved excused absence is regarded as truancy.
第十条考试、补考、重修Exam, Make-up exam, Retake course
1. Students should take exam and apply for make-up exam and retake course according to the Chapter 4 of Credit Regulations of YBU (the fees of retake courses should be submitted to the Foreign Students Office).
2. Students who have been absent for a third or more of the total number of a course’s classes are not eligible to sit for the final exam for the particular course. The grade for the particular course is zero. Furthermore, the particular course must be retaken for next year. 3 times of excused absences including late arrival or early leave will be regarded as 1 time of truancy.
3. Abide by the examination rules. Cheating on exam is not allowed. The violator will receive zero for the particular course and get one chance of make-up exam. Students cheating again on the make-up exam are not eligible to sit in the exam of that course and will receive zero for the particular course. Students cheating on exam will not receive certificate of degree. Serious violator will be expelled from school.
Grades are given in the form of hundred-mark system. The passing grade is 60. 
第五章 转系、休学、复学、退学
Major Change, Leave of Absence, Schooling Resumption and Withdraw
第十二条 转系应在一年级开学后30天内提出申请,并填写《 留学生转专业申请表 》,经所在院(系)、留学生管理部门审批同意后转入所申请的院(系)学习。
12. Students who desire to change major should submit application form of major change for foreign students in 30 days after the start of the first semester in the freshman year. The relevant college/department and Foreign Students Office will decide if the application should be approved.
第十三条 休学年限最长为3年,以年(学年)为基准。由学生本人提出书面申请,经学生所在学院、留学生管理科同意,方可休学。政府奖学金生需要在获得本国驻华使馆和中国国家留学基金委员会的批准后,方可休学。外国留学生休学申请获得批准后,应到留学生管理科确认所学课程及成绩,并办理好相关的校内证卡手续。
13. Students may be approved for a Leave of Absence for up to 3 years. A formal application and permissions of relevant college and Foreign Students Office are required. Government Scholarship Students should also receive the permissions of their country’s embassy in China and China Scholarship Council. Students have to confirm their courses taken and grades obtained before leave.
第十四条 休学期满,应于学期(学年)开学前2个月向留学生管理科提出复学申请,经学生所在院(系)、留学生管理科批准后方可复学,复学后随相应年级学习。逾期未提交复学申请及未办理休学手续擅自离校者,按自动退学处理。
14. Students should submit the application of Schooling Resumption 2 months before the start of fall semester. Application will only be approved with the permissions of both relevant colleges and Foreign Students Office. Late application or leaving school without permission will be regarded as dropping out of school automatically.
第十五条 有下列情形之一者,应予以退学:
15. Students will be expelled from school for one of the following situations:
1. Apply for the withdraw in person;
2. Non-approved Schooling Resumption Application;
3. Leave school without permission;
4、 患有精神病、癫痫等疾病者 ;                              
4. Students with mental disease, epilepsy and other diseases affecting study life;
5. Students with infectious disease which is not appropriate to stay in China;
6. Be absent for 50 credit hours or be absent from school for a month without permission;
7. Disobey the rules and regulations of school;
8. Serious anti-China words and deeds during stay in China;
9. Disobey Chinese Laws and be charged with any crime including detention.
第六章 结业、毕业、学位Graduation, Completion of Program and Degree
第十六条 学生在规定学制年限内未完成教学计划规定的全部课程,以结业处理,颁发结业证书。
16. Students who fail to fulfill all the academic requirements of teaching plan by the end of study period will only receive the Certificate of Completion.
第十七条 学生在规定学制年限内完成教学计划规定的全部课程,成绩合格,允许毕业,颁发毕业证书。
17. Students who have successfully fulfilled all the academic requirements and passed all the exams are qualified to graduate and receive Certificate of Graduation.
第十八条 取得毕业资格的学生,凡符合《延边大学授予来华留学生学位工作细则》中的相关规定者,授予学士、硕士、博士学位,颁发学位证书。
18. Students who are qualified to graduate according to the degree regulations for foreign students of YBU will be awarded Degree of Bachelor/Master/Doctor and Certificate of Degree.
第七章 附则Supplementary Provisions
第十九条 本规定适用于来校接受学历教育的各类外国来华留学生。
19. This regulation applies to all categories of foreign students admitted to degree programs at YBU.
第二十条 本规定解释权归国际交流合作处留学生管理科所有。
20. The Foreign Students Office reserves the right of the final interpretation of above rules and regulations.
Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Yanbian University
August 2013

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